Sunday, November 22, 2015

Instructions 1 - 23/Nov

1. Maintain a notebook. Any old notebook will do, but cover it neatly with NEWSPAPER. Use it to take notes of weekly workshops
The notebooks will be collected for correction every Monday & placed in the staff-room by the following leaders-
Grade 4 - Vedika & Akhil, 4F
Grade 5 - Shubhangi & Vansh, 5J
Grade 6 - Nikita & Adya, 6G

2. Starting 23rd November, Monday classroom inspections start afresh
Your class will be checked for -
    a) Cleanliness
    b) Whether or not curtains are open for cross ventilation
    c) Waste segregation
    d) Row arrangement 
2 health inspectors & 1 class prefect can adopt 1 row each in the classroom & ensure cleanliness for their row

3. Defaulters list  for the week needs to be maintained in your notebook. Need to check for -
    a) Uniform - No colorful sweaters
    b) Hair - 
        Girls long hair to be tied, short hair with hair band
        Boys hair cut neatly, no spikes
    c) No fancy hairbands or jewelry
    d) Nails - properly cut & No nail polish
    e) Shoes - school shoes only, unless foot is injured 

4. Workshops with Dr D will be conducted every Friday in last 2 periods

5. Spreading information -
    a) Every Saturday, a new video will be uploaded on the blog. You need to go through the video over the weekend
    b) Beginning Monday to Thursday you have to share the information shown in the video with your classes
    c) Make use of substitution/free periods to educate your class
    d) Seek help of teacher present & class prefect to maintain discipline in the class as you share your learnings

6. Every Friday, in the long break interclass quiz will be conducted based on information explained by you in the week. Pass this information to your respective classes

7. If I need to pass on any information to you, it will be shared with your block by the following leaders -
Grade 4 - Simar & Adit, 4B
Grade 5 - Shubhangi & Vansh, 5J
Grade 6 - Subechcha & Rohil, 6I

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