Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lesson 2 - Scratches & Cuts

SCRATCH - is different from cuts because it is only in the top superficial layer of the skin & has little or no bleeding. If it runs deep & blood vessels or nerves are involved, then there might be bleeding & pain
Rx -
a. Wash to remove dirt

This serves multiple purposes -
1. Cleans the area avoiding infection
2. Reduces swelling
3. Reduces pain

b. DONOT cover scratches with anything, they should be left open to heal
c. Often no medicine is needed for scratches

CUT - Same as scratches, only difference is that in cuts there is bleeding & if they are deep then pain also
Rx -
1. If the bleeding is NOT too heavy, then the cut is shallow - you only need to wash the area
2. If there is a lot of bleeding / heavy bleeding, it means that the cut runs deep into the skin and touches the nerves -
a. You need NOT wash the area, the most important thing is to STOP BLOOD LOSS
b. Blood loss can be controlled by applying pressure with hands or after placing a clean kerchief over the wound & then applying pressure
c. DONOT cover the cut with anything other than cloth, no cotton/tissues
d. The DOCTOR would need to apply medicine on cuts

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