Saturday, December 12, 2015

Lesson 4 - Fracture

FRACTURE - A broken bone requires emergency medical care. Your might have a broken (fractured) bone if
1. you heard or felt a bone snap
2. have difficulty moving the injured part
3. if the injured part moves in an unnatural way or is very painful to the touch
Rx -
a. For a Suspected Broken Bone:
Do not move a child whose injury involves the neck or back, unless he or she is in imminent danger. Movement can cause serious nerve damage. Phone for emergency medical help.
  1. If the child must be moved, apply splints around the injured limb to prevent further injury. 
  2. Leave the limb in the position you find it. The splints should be applied in that position.
  3. Splints can be made by using boards, stack of newspapers, cardboard, or anything firm, and can be padded with pillows, shirts, towels, or anything soft.
  4. Splints must be long enough to extend beyond the joints above and below the fracture.
  5. Place cold packs or a bag of ice wrapped in cloth on the injured area.
b. If a child has an open break (bone protrudes through the skin) call the doctor immediately.

c. If there is severe bleeding, apply pressure on the bleeding area with a gauze pad or a clean piece of clothing or other material.
Do not wash the wound or try to push back any part of the bone that may be sticking out.

Lesson 3 - Sprains & Strains

SPRAIN - A sprain occurs when the ligaments, which hold bones together, are overstretched and partially torn.

STRAIN - A strain is when a muscle or tendon is overstretched or torn.

Sprains and strains generally cause swelling and pain, and there may be bruises around the injured area.

For a Suspected Sprain or Strain:
If the injury involves the neck or back (even if there is no pain), do not move the child unless in imminent danger. Movement can cause serious nerve damage. If the child must be moved, the neck and back must be completely immobilized first, ideally with at least one other person assisting you. Keeping the head, neck, and back in alignment, move the child together as a unit.
Phone for emergency medical help.

Rx - For sprains and strains includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation (known as RICE).
Rest: for at least 24 hours, rest the injured part of the body.
Ice packs (or cold compresses): apply for up to 10-15 minutes at a time every few hours for the first 2 days to prevent swelling.
Compression: wear an elastic bandage (such as an ACE bandage) for at least 2 days to reduce swelling.
Elevation: keep the injured part above heart level as much as possible to ease swelling.
Do not apply heat in any form for at least 24 hours after an injury. Heat increases swelling and pain.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lesson 2 - Scratches & Cuts

SCRATCH - is different from cuts because it is only in the top superficial layer of the skin & has little or no bleeding. If it runs deep & blood vessels or nerves are involved, then there might be bleeding & pain
Rx -
a. Wash to remove dirt

This serves multiple purposes -
1. Cleans the area avoiding infection
2. Reduces swelling
3. Reduces pain

b. DONOT cover scratches with anything, they should be left open to heal
c. Often no medicine is needed for scratches

CUT - Same as scratches, only difference is that in cuts there is bleeding & if they are deep then pain also
Rx -
1. If the bleeding is NOT too heavy, then the cut is shallow - you only need to wash the area
2. If there is a lot of bleeding / heavy bleeding, it means that the cut runs deep into the skin and touches the nerves -
a. You need NOT wash the area, the most important thing is to STOP BLOOD LOSS
b. Blood loss can be controlled by applying pressure with hands or after placing a clean kerchief over the wound & then applying pressure
c. DONOT cover the cut with anything other than cloth, no cotton/tissues
d. The DOCTOR would need to apply medicine on cuts

Lesson 1 - Bruises & Swellings

BRUISE - Bleeding under skin
Because of impact
Rx - Cold pack
1. Method1 - Take any empty flat plastic bottle like savlon, fill it three quarters with water & freeze. This can be used as a cold pack
2. Method2 - Take a clean kerchief, drench with cold/running water. Squeeze out extra water & use as cold pack

SWELLING - Due to hurt
When there is a hurt, the body's defense mechanism - WBCs go to the hurt area, causing a swelling.
Pain is caused when nerves under skin get pressed
Rx - Cold pack

Instructions 1 - 23/Nov

1. Maintain a notebook. Any old notebook will do, but cover it neatly with NEWSPAPER. Use it to take notes of weekly workshops
The notebooks will be collected for correction every Monday & placed in the staff-room by the following leaders-
Grade 4 - Vedika & Akhil, 4F
Grade 5 - Shubhangi & Vansh, 5J
Grade 6 - Nikita & Adya, 6G

2. Starting 23rd November, Monday classroom inspections start afresh
Your class will be checked for -
    a) Cleanliness
    b) Whether or not curtains are open for cross ventilation
    c) Waste segregation
    d) Row arrangement 
2 health inspectors & 1 class prefect can adopt 1 row each in the classroom & ensure cleanliness for their row

3. Defaulters list  for the week needs to be maintained in your notebook. Need to check for -
    a) Uniform - No colorful sweaters
    b) Hair - 
        Girls long hair to be tied, short hair with hair band
        Boys hair cut neatly, no spikes
    c) No fancy hairbands or jewelry
    d) Nails - properly cut & No nail polish
    e) Shoes - school shoes only, unless foot is injured 

4. Workshops with Dr D will be conducted every Friday in last 2 periods

5. Spreading information -
    a) Every Saturday, a new video will be uploaded on the blog. You need to go through the video over the weekend
    b) Beginning Monday to Thursday you have to share the information shown in the video with your classes
    c) Make use of substitution/free periods to educate your class
    d) Seek help of teacher present & class prefect to maintain discipline in the class as you share your learnings

6. Every Friday, in the long break interclass quiz will be conducted based on information explained by you in the week. Pass this information to your respective classes

7. If I need to pass on any information to you, it will be shared with your block by the following leaders -
Grade 4 - Simar & Adit, 4B
Grade 5 - Shubhangi & Vansh, 5J
Grade 6 - Subechcha & Rohil, 6I

Saturday, July 25, 2015

What is First Aid?

First Aid  is the help given to a person who has been hurt or is suddenly taken ill. First aid is the steps you can take before a person gets expert medical help. First aid can sometimes save a person’s life, but more often it is help given in an everyday accident or illness.

Question: What kinds of things does first aid include?
Answer: It includes staying safe yourself and looking out for danger, helping someone feel better and stay calm. It also includes getting help - either by telling an adult or phoning 102 and 108

Question: Can first aid only be given by adults?
Answer: No, children can learn how to give first aid too, as we would in the course of this academic year

Question: Is first aid hard to learn?
Answer: No, first aid is easy to learn. All you have to do is follow simple steps for different situations

Duties of a Health Inspector

  1. Checking uniform, hair & nails, report to class teacher (Can be escalated to coordinator)
  2. Checking cleanliness in the class - Windows opened for cross ventilation, furniture arranged properly in neat rows, bags etc. in place, well organized book shelf/teacher’s table/board
  3. Proper waste segregation in the class - Green bin for perishables/biodegradable & Red bin for plastic
    Crowd control, responsible for leading the class - Girl Health Inspector at the front of the queue & the Boy Health Inspector at the back of the queue
  4. Are expected to assist younger children in the school bus with respect to safety - Maintaining discipline in school bus, stop arguments/fights, no body part out of window in moving bus, no eating food in moving bus
  5. Screening for sending to infirmary. First Aid depending upon grade level from small cuts, abrasions, headache, nosebleeds, stomach ache etc...

Welcome onboard Health Inspectors

Juniors - Grade 4
Mohammed Ayaan Khan
Anagha Bhatt
Adith Reganti
Simar Mohanty
Tanay Bohra
Sanvi Nilesh Dange
Tanmay Reddy
Afeefa Tabassum
Abhinav Girish
Sarah Bohra
Akhil Bharadwaj
Vedika Bijesh Nair
Shreyas Sahoo
Dhriti Jagadish Patil
Rihan Mishra
Rakshita Mogra
Adit Sundriyal
Anagha Moudgil
Arnav Mishra
Sasmita Sur Choudhary
Duba Mohith
Yashvi Agarwal
Namit Gawade
Dhriti Kamani

Seniors - Grade 5
Vignesh CP
Shreya N
Adhrit Devineni
Riyan Sachin Potnis
Pratyush Mittal
Sanvi Vijapur
Pranav H
Riya Rohan Dhume
Aditya Bendi
Avani Gauri Sharma
Avaneesh Kumar
Ashmita K Saboo
Husain Taybali
Adya Agarwal
Girish Rajesh
Dhara S Hingoo
Anirudh Choudhary
Richa Daniel
Vansh Jain
Shubhangi Sharma
Yajur Sharma
Vedika Chabbra